Karlsruhe under the sign of digitalization: the top events in 2024


In 2024, Karlsruhe will once again be transformed into a hotspot for digital innovation – combining the expertise of players from science, business, culture and administration in numerous events. An overview.

The new year begins with a small highlight: on January 20, the final of the GROW start-up competition organized by the student university group PionierGarage e.V. at KIT will take place. It helps student entrepreneurs to gain experience, validate their ideas and set up their own companies. Just two days later, the Green Software Development Group’s meeting supported by karlsruhe.digital will be dedicated to the topic of “Sustainable UX for sustainable digital products”. After all, sustainability will continue to be one of the dominant topics in the field of digitalization in 2024.

In any case, it is important to find concrete solutions to the most pressing problems of our time – something that the Impact Hub in Karlsruhe has set itself the task of doing by supporting start-ups, self-employed people and companies with various services. If you want to find out more, come to the open day on January 31.

In February, the ZKM | Center for Art and Media (February 4) and the FZI Research Center for Information Technology (February 8), among others, will open their doors. Interested parties will gain unique insights into the latest developments in the fields of media art, IoT and artificial intelligence. The latter in particular is currently changing the digital landscape significantly. The Karlsruhe IT Security Initiative is therefore also organizing the HackGPT event on 22 February, while the Badische Landesbibliothek is holding an AI workshop on 5 March. Only if we understand new technologies and grasp their opportunities and risks can we use them for the benefit of all.

It is fundamentally important to get more people interested in technology and science, which is why FameLab Germany will be taking place for the 14th time in 2024. There are preliminary decisions in four cities. It will be held at the Tollhaus cultural center in Karlsruhe on April 12. The digital community should also mark their calendars in red for the annual hallo.digital Convention at the end of April, as well as the almost legendary Goulash Programming Night (GPN22).

In June, Europe’s largest trade fair for digital education for schools, universities and careers will finally open its doors. This year at LEARNTEC 2024, everything will once again revolve around mobile learning, learning nuggets and gamification. Shortly afterwards, Karlsruhe will host the city festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung” on 7 June, bringing digital hotspots to life for citizens throughout the city.

A special visual experience awaits visitors from August 9 at the Schlosslichtspiele, which combine digital art with historical architecture to create an unforgettable experience.

All in all, 2024 will be a year full of exciting events and encounters in Karlsruhe, confirming the city’s role as a driver of digitalization in Germany. From technological innovations and sustainable developments to the promotion of talent – Karlsruhe will once again prove its position as a center of digital creativity and progress.