digitalEvents in Karlsruhe

___ City Festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung”

The city festival of digitalization

Experience digitization up close throughout Karlsruhe.

Experience digitalization in all its facets at a city festival of digital ideas and solutions: What digital topics are Karlsruhe universities and research institutions currently researching? What constitutes digital art? How digital are the administration and cultural institutions? What ideas are Karlsruhe start-ups and companies pursuing? And how can associations themselves experiment with digital tools or get involved?  

Zahlreiche Unternehmen öffnen ihre Türen bei der Bunten Nacht der Digitalisierung. Foto: Netzoptimisten


Whether at an open day, presentations on the latest innovations, guided tours or company parties – Karlsruhe’s companies show their digital side to all interested parties.

Spannende Blicke hinter die Kulissen zu aktuellen Projekten und neuesten Entwicklungen im digitalen Bereich ermöglichen Karlsruhes Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen bei der Bunden Nacht der Digitalisierung. Foto: Netzoptimisten


Karlsruhe’s universities and research institutes offer an exciting look behind the scenes at current projects and the latest developments in the digital field.

Auch die Verwaltung zeigt sich von ihrer digitalen Seite. Foto: Netzoptimisten


The administration is also showing its digital side and providing insights into the digital projects of its offices, schools and municipal facilities. Citizens’ dialog up close.

Interaktive Ausstellungen, künstlerische Interpretationen der Digitalisierung, neue Formate für die gesamte Stadtgesellschaft, und vieles mehr bieten Karlsruhes Kulturinstitutionen bei der Bunten Nacht der Digitalisierung. Foto: Netzoptmisten

Cultural institutions

Karlsruhe’s cultural institutions offer interactive exhibitions, artistic interpretations of digitalization, new formats for the entire urban community and much more.

Zahlreiche Vereine und Initiativen beschäftigen sich mit digitale Themen und feilen gemeinsam an digitalen Lösungen – und stellen sich den Besucher*innen vor.

Associations and initiatives

Numerous associations and initiatives deal with digital topics and work together on digital solutions – and introduce themselves to visitors.


The fireworks of digital innovations

Innovations made in Karlsruhe.

The InnovationFestival offers the best digital innovations from Karlsruhe and the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion the big stage – on site and streamed live! In addition to top-class keynotes, companies and institutions from business, science, culture and administration will present their digital transformation projects in 10-minute keynote speeches, highlighting the diversity of the innovative digital location.

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___ Event series

Events supported By

Looking for support?

We support innovative events from the Karlsruhe digital industry with “supported by”!

How to join? Participate in our Call for Events:

Are you planning an event about digital innovations or the opportunities and challenges of digitalization? Are you from Karlsruhe and / or is your event taking place in Karlsruhe? Are you a startup, company, association, university, scientific, cultural or administrative institution? Then apply!

This is how we support you.

With postings and articles about the event via our channels (social media, blog, newsletter, etc.) With our network for questions about venues, speakers, etc. Get in touch now with your events!