Smart Government

Participation portal City of Karlsruhe

What does the participation portal offer?

On the City of Karlsruhe’s citizen participation portal, citizens have the opportunity to find out about and participate in municipal participation projects, share experiences and suggestions for the development of their city and district with others, or ask questions to the Lord Mayor. In addition, the portal announces the dates of municipal events where citizens can obtain information and participate locally. The overview of completed projects also makes it possible to retrace previous decisions.


DigitalLab: The digital laboratory of the city of Karlsruhe

The Office for IT and Digitization of the City of Karlsruhe has opened the first DigitalLab of a German city administration, which is an integral part of the structures and integrated into the routine processes of the administration. Developed in close collaboration with Strategiemanufaktur, the DigitalLab will become an internal accelerator for the digitalization of the city, combining five dimensions:

  • Hub for digitization
  • Workspace in which new forms of work are tested
  • Showroom for new technologies
  • Space for start-ups in residence
  • A place of innovation, creativity, testing and design


Geoportal Karlsruhe: The digital map information system

Geodata is digital information that can be assigned a specific spatial location on the earth’s surface. Services and applications with geodata are provided via a geoportal so that this diverse information can be accessed in the form of background maps, points of interest (POIs) and thematic maps and specialist plans. The City of Karlsruhe offers various applications as web apps that automatically adapt to the display of the respective device. This means they can be used via the Internet browser on all standard desktop PCs, tablets and smartphones.

KA feedback

KA-Feedback: The service that Karlsruhe residents use to help their city

Because with KA feedback you can communicate where there is a problem. Whether it’s potholes, faulty street lighting, damaged paving on the sidewalk or broken glass in the children’s playground. Any damage is gratefully received and repaired by the City of Karlsruhe.

And this is how it works:

Simple login with your smartphone, any mobile device or from your desktop. Then enter the message via an online form and send it off.

Transparency portal

Transparency portal of the city of Karlsruhe

The City of Karlsruhe makes open data and documents available for free use via the transparency portal. However, it not only fulfills the function of an open data portal, but also that of a freedom of information register. For example, appraisals commissioned by the city are automatically published above a certain value. According to the city, corresponding regulations are currently being prepared. The administration in Karlsruhe already publishes a wide range of documents and data in its statistical atlas and geodata portal, for example. The publications from existing portals should be linked in the transparency portal so that they can be found from there when searching.