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Teaserbild KI-Challenge

AI Challenge Karlsruhe Region: Innovation for sustainable events

May 6 and 7, 2025

How can artificial intelligence make events more sustainable? The Karlsruhe Region AI Challenge brings together experts from the fields of AI, event management and sustainability to develop innovative solutions for smart eco-events.

May 06, 2025: Public kick-off with best practices and networking
May 07, 2025: Workshop day for professionals – Develop practical AI strategies for sustainable events

Application for the workshop day by 28.02.2025
This initiative takes place in cooperation with and Wirtschaftsförderung Ettlingen.

Thumnnail ODD Karlsruhe

HackDays – Open Data for Urban Future: Open Data to Tackle the Polycrisis

March 14 and 15, 2025

🚀 Join us as we shape the city of the future with open data! The Open Data Day in Karlsruhe is all about developing creative solutions for urban challenges – with open data, innovative methods and interdisciplinary teams.

🔍 For whom? Anyone can take part! Whether you’re a programmer, designer, urban designer or just curious – it’s the idea that counts here, not your technical background.

📅 March 14 & 15, 2025 | 📍 House of Living Labs, FZI | Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe

TECH.minds @ TelemaxX

November 13, 2024

Sustainable AI: resource-efficient software development, Karlsruhe

The next TECH.minds event at de:hub Karlsruhe on November 13 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at TelemaxX in Karlsruhe (TelemaxX – IPC4, Ohmstraße 1, 76229 Karlsruhe) is all about sustainable AI and resource-saving software development – a must for all technology enthusiasts! Participants can expect exciting insights into current developments and applications of sustainable AI for the economy.
Companies such as Telemaxx, bluehands and others will present practical approaches and innovative solutions to make AI ecologically and ethically responsible. Look forward to exciting insights into future-oriented technologies and strategies! Experience inspiring talks, in-depth discussions and a valuable exchange of experiences at this unique on-site event, which takes place as part of the Digital Hub for Applied Artificial Intelligence Karlsruhe.
TECH.minds is aimed at people with previous technical knowledge.

DFLX & Smart City

Smart City Karlsruhe @DFLX24

November 7, 2024

Participants in the Smart City Karlsruhe Rally at DFLA2024 can look forward to an interactive tour during which they will gain exciting insights into the innovative projects of Smart City Karlsruhe.

The stops: First, we will visit the FZI House of Living Labs, where you will take part in a tour of the labs and discover current research projects relating to smart energy solutions and mobility. We will continue to the KVV Customer Center, where you will get to know the regiomove mobility platform, which connects different means of transport for flexible and sustainable mobility. There you will also get to know the Karlsruhe Tourist Information Office and the Stadtgeist app and learn how digital tools enrich tourism and city life.

DFLX2024: A platform for female role models in the digital industry
On November 7 and 8, 2024, Karlsruhe will be the meeting place for inspiring women in the digital industry at Digital Female Leader X-Change (DFLX). In addition to panels, workshops and keynote speeches on sustainability and innovation, the event is a place for exchange and inspiration – topped off by a glamorous award show where outstanding women will be honored.

AIxIA 2024 – AI Conference

October 16 and 17, 2024

Scaling Up Innovation: From Prototypes to Productive Use

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of artificial intelligence at the next Franco-German AIxIA Conference from October 16-17, 2024 at the Smart Production Park in Karlsruhe.
Together, experts will discuss innovative developments, challenges and future perspectives in the field of artificial intelligence. Experience inspiring presentations, interactive discussions and cross-border knowledge exchange and networking.
Be part of this exciting dialog that is shaping the future of AI at the AIxIA Conference 2024.
Further information at:

Organized by: DIZ | Digitales Innovationszentrum GmbH
Powered by: European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH-AICS) and Digital Hub Karlsruhe

Save The Date Bild als Ankündigung für das CyberLab Festival am 19.09.2024 in Karlsruhe mit Jubiläum 20 Jahre CyberChampions.

CyberLab Festival

September 19, 2024

Party & Startups – sounds good?

On September 19, the @CyberLab Startup Accelerator celebrates the #CyberLabFestival24 with the entire Karlsruhe startup community 🥳

At the festival, lots of exciting start-ups and experts on the topics of founding, entrepreneurship and financing will meet up with food trucks, free cold drinks and cool beats.

🏆 The highlight: 20 years of the CyberChampions Award! The CyberLab looks back on 20 years of successful entrepreneurship with all its ups and downs.

You can still apply for the CyberChampions Awards 2024 until August 15!

Veranstaltungshinweis zum Thema Cleaner Web

Climate-conscious websites for a more sustainable web (Part 2) – with Michael Voith

September 17, 2024

The September event of Green Software Development Karlsruhe will once again focus on how the CO2 emissions of a website can be reduced. This time, the aim is to develop strategies for hosting websites and CMS dynamically in order to eliminate the need for an active web server. This is real pioneering work. Because regardless of how economically the website is transferred to the end device, in the classic case there is always a web server running with a CMS – even at night when no one is visiting the website.

About the speaker: Michael Voit is a long-time climate protection activist and former NGO campaigner, and at °Cleaner Web he also brings his convictions to bear in code, design and communication concepts.


18:00: Admission and networking
18:30: Lecture with short break
21:00: End & networking

Location: bluehands GmbH & Co.mmunication KG, Waldstraße 63 (entrance Blumenstraße), 76133 Karlsruhe

Climate-conscious websites for a more sustainable web – with Hannah Magin and Michael Voith

July 23, 2024

Climate-conscious websites score four points: they are more ecological, more accessible, more social and faster. Hannah Magin and Michael Voit from the Cleaner Web present the options for checking and reducing the carbon footprint of websites. For web developers, web designers, UX designers and software developers!

About the speakers: Hannah Magin & Michael Voit: Hannah is a project manager and UX designer at °Cleaner Web. Michael is a longtime climate change activist and former NGO campaigner, and brings his beliefs to °Cleaner Web in code, design and communication concepts.

18:00: Admission and networking
18:30: Lecture with a short break in between
21:00: End and networking

Location: at bluehands GmbH & Co.mmunication KG, Waldstraße 63 (entrance Blumenstraße), 76133 Karlsruhe

Round Table Generative AI

April 18, 2024

The evolution of (generative) AI and its possible applications in your business

What possibilities does generative AI offer? What is the potential of this technology and how can I use it for my business?

The Generative AI Round Table offers a balanced mix of theoretical principles and concrete case studies to provide a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of generative AI.

In table sessions, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and get inspiration for use in your company. Speakers Kai Lichtenberg and Niklas Haas will contribute their knowledge and experience from numerous AI projects. They can therefore give you practical insights into the world of generative AI.

Carbon Hack Karlsruhe

March 20 to 24, 2024

Under the motto Decarbonize Software, Green Software Development Karlsruhe invites interested software developers, development teams, students and companies to the Carbon Hack Karlsruhe, a hackathon for climate-friendly and resource-saving software in Karlsruhe, from 22 to 24 March 2024. The event takes place as an independent event during the global Carbon Hack Hackathon of the Green Software Foundation.

Impact analysis of digital services with Scaphandre and the Boavizta API – with Benoit Petit

March 19, 2024

At the March event of Green Software Development Karlsruhe, speaker Benoit Petit will present the state of the art in assessing the environmental impact of digital services with the help of open source and open data assets. Using a typical technical service as an example, he takes us on a journey to evaluation: from the energy consumption of the infrastructure to the life cycle impact of the digital devices used.

18:00: Admission and networking
18:30: Lecture with a short break in between
21:00: End and networking

Information and registration at: Impact analysis of digital services with Scaphandre and the Boavizta API, Tue, Mar 19, 2024, 6:30 PM | Meetup

Eat brand love logo


February 1, 2024

The first EBL 2024 will take place around the topic of “Content Creation – on and off camera” 🎬🎥

You can look forward to two absolute pros:

✅ Rebecca Amlung gives us a hands-on insight into how TikTok is implemented at Ziehl-Abegg, from brainstorming to filming and editing

✅ Anja Lange shows us practical tips & tricks from her many years of experience as a presenter on how to appear confident in front of the camera and get our nervousness under control.

Doors are open from 18:00, stream from 19:00. Tacos & drinks as usual.

Karlsruhe von oben bei Abendrot

Workshop “UX Meets Scrum”

January 23, 2024

The workshop “UX Meets Scrum: Strategies for successful integration into the development process” on 23.01.2024 from 13:00 to 17:00 is part of a series of events called “Digital Excellence: Growth through User Centricity”, organized by UIG e.V.
This workshop focuses on how UX work can be successfully integrated into Scrum and what challenges need to be overcome.

Karlsruhe von oben in der Nacht

Sustainable UX for sustainable digital products

January 23, 2024

How can digital products and software applications be designed to be holistically sustainable from the outset? Thorsten Jonas (UX and Innovation Consultant, founder of the Sustainable UX Network) will explore this question at the next meeting of Green Software Development Karlsruhe. A practical presentation on all areas of the creation process of digital products with a focus on sustainable UX.

energy-code-smells logo

Finding energy guzzlers with static code analysis

November 28, 2023

This Green Software Development Karlsruhe event on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, will once again focus on the adjustments that can be made to reduce the energy consumption of software. This time, the focus is on energy code smells, their automatic detection and the associated optimization options.



October 26, 2023

bizplay is one of the most important events in Germany for the use of typical game elements. Since 2012, the one-day congress has been increasingly dedicated to the topics of gamification and game design and their impact on the areas of business, art & design and technology.

Global Digital Women

Digital Female Leader Award

September 23, 2023

This year, GDW will present the Digital Female Leader Award for the sixth time in a row as the most important prize in the female digital scene in the DACH region. With this year’s motto “Be Bold, Be Brave, Be You”, Global Digital Women (GDW) wants to encourage those who are the first in their family: The first to start up or the first to get their own project off the ground.

Personen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf Leinwand

Green Software Development Group

September 19, 2023

How does GreenCoding work in practice? Using real case studies from his day-to-day work as a developer and GreenCoding coach, Tim Schade will demonstrate concrete measures for developing environmentally friendly software solutions.

Viele frauen lachen in der Gruppe für ein foto

September 17, 2023

Do you want to know how to play rock-paper-scissors with a computer or develop a calculator?
In the free online workshops from by TEC, you will learn the basics of the Python programming language and write your own programs!


UIG conference

September 14, 2023

The UIG Conference 2023 is dedicated to the topic of “Focus on people: shaping digitalization sustainably” and will explore the responsible contribution that each individual can make to making digital products and services and digitalization fundamentally sustainable.

Karlsruhe von oben bei Abendrot


July 18, 2023

The world’s largest advertising festival selects the best commercials & campaigns every year.
We show the winners and our favorites. Non-stop, with no chatter in between – pure inspiration.
Plus pizza, liquids and great conversation.

Personen am tisch sitzen und schauen auf leinwand

Green Software Development Group

July 11, 2023

Whether at an open day, presentations on the latest innovations, guided tours or company parties – Karlsruhe’s companies show their digital side to all interested parties.

Kinder bei effekte 2019

MINT Festival

June 30, 2023

Here, visitors and participants get more MI(N)T!

On Friday, June 30, 2023 from 4 – 9 p.m., technika | Karlsruher Technik-Initative celebrated the MINT Festival at SteamWork Karlsruhe.
In a relaxed Karlsruhe Südstadt atmosphere and backyard charm, all students were cordially invited to present their technology projects and ideas on this occasion! Whether hobby project, youth research work, seminar course or fischertechnik club – the MINT Festival created a framework for everyone.

Visitors and participants were delighted with the technical snacks and one or two program highlights.

Personen am tisch sitzen und schauen auf leinwand

Carbon Aware Computing

June 20, 2023

Carbon aware computing is a building block for designing CO2 optimized systems. As part of a project with UBS, the Carbon Aware SDK was developed with the aim of making the UBS Risk Compute Platform Carbon Aware and reporting savings. Based on the experiences in this project, we will discuss the basic design principles and practices and limitations.

Christian Binder joined Microsoft in 1999 as Principal Technical Program manager in Commercial Software Engineering and works on “next generation” co-innovation projects. In addition to strategic business development, his focus is on software design and team development. The development of systems that use resources efficiently and responsibly is particularly important to him.

Karlsruhe von oben in der Nacht

Karlsruhe Developer Day

14. – June 15

The Karlsruhe Developer Day is a regional conference on software engineering. Traditionally, networking between software engineers from industry and universities plays a major role in the fan-shaped city. The special atmosphere – excellent contributions, close contact with the speakers, many interactive formats – now attracts participants from all over the German-speaking world.

IHK Karlsruhe, Lammstraße 13-17, 76133 Karlsruhe

Personen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf Leinwand

Sustainable Kubernetes – Scale up, Scale down, Scale to Zero

May 16, 2023

As a distributed system, Kubernetes offers the option of automatically scaling applications horizontally. This allows the application to be dynamically adapted to actual requirements. The cluster itself can also be scaled with corresponding hyperscalers. In combination, computing power can be released or added as required. This saves resources and money. At the same time, such a configuration is well prepared for peak loads.

Sustainability thinks ahead – how can we implement scaling from an ecological perspective? Especially applications that are not permanently under load should be switched off when not in use. And the challenge is to switch the application back on. Zero becomes Hero.

Lukas shows us from practical experience with live examples where the fall strikes are and how to use them sensibly. This presentation highlights the benefits and risks of scaling and aims to encourage reflection on the resources used.

Lukas Paluch works at ATIX AG as an IT consultant in the container sector. He provides support both in setting up the platforms and in migrating applications.

eat brand love

May 4, 2023

Eat.Brand.Love went into the 2nd round!

And the name said it all. Nachos, salsa, coriander dip and delicious drinks provided the perfect atmosphere for networking. No wonder it was getting more and more crowded.

Once again, there were two great experts on very exciting topics:

Ute Gütschow: “Trust instead of reach – B2B relationship building via Linkedin”
Calvin Hollywood: “Personal branding & social media for entrepreneurs and the self-employed”

Without the delicious food, but you can watch the stream here:

Karlsruhe von oben in der Nacht

RaumoForum: Sustainable, digital mobility: Where is the journey heading?

March 29, 2023

The focus of the event(s) is deliberately kept general so that as many different experts and interested parties from the mobility sector in general and Mobility-as-a-Service in particular are addressed. The range of topics is broad, with digital applications (as a prerequisite for achieving greater sustainability in transport) forming an important thematic component of the event.

Event location
raumobil office, Auerstr.19, 76227 Karlsruhe

GC Gewinnergruppen

Discussing Practices and Competence Needs for Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age

March 15, 20023

International event for information and education professionals in collaboration with the NextEducation team at DHBW Karlsruhe and the DEAL with Digital WBL project consortium

Work-based learning in a virtual working environment – the new skills map for vocational education and training.

Personen am tisch sitzen und schauen auf leinwand

Sneak Preview on Green Software Development

March 14, 2023

Our industry is responsible for around 4% of globalCO2 emissions– and the trend is rising sharply. As software developers and players in software development, as drivers of innovation and new technologies, we have the opportunity and the power to reduce these emissions.

The evening shows the way and provides insight into the practices of green software development in order to develop climate-friendly and resource-saving applications. It’s about mindset and culture, knowledge of patterns and tooling.

March 2, 2023

Eat.Brand.Love is a new after-work event series in Karlsruhe! Every two months, the office community consisting of NACONA Filmproduktion, Fred Marketing, Alexander Hauck Performance Support and manimedia invites national speakers to talk about digital marketing trends and exciting branding projects. It is always about the digital transformation of corporate brands.

It started on March 2 with

Tania Hippler, Head of Communication at Fairtrade, presentation: “Branding with impact – communication at eye level at Fairtrade”

Rainer Grill, Head of Public Relations at Ziehl-Abegg, presentation: “How we attract skilled workers with Tiktok”

Personen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf Leinwand

Measuring and monitoring energy consumption

February 14, 2023

At the #GreenSoftwareDevelopmentKA meeting on Valentine’s Day, everything revolved around measuring and monitoring the energy consumption of applications. Arne Tarara from Green Coding Berlin provided insights into projects and tools that enable us to measure the energy consumption of software in typical use cases.

Besucher bei talknplay karlsruhe


January 19, 2023

The Talk’n’Play format combines a lecture series and networking in one event. The special thing about this is that all participants were encouraged to bring along their unfinished projects / prototypes to receive feedback from other participants. Technical and more general topics were deliberately combined.

Of course, networking and the play session at the end were a must, because it’s not called Talk’n’Play for nothing.

Personen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf Leinwand

Green Software Development Karlsruhe: Mini Open Space – joint exchange and open meeting

January 17

A meeting without a fixed agenda and speaker.

The Green Software Development Usergroup Karlsruhe met in a relaxed atmosphere at a Mini Open Space. The participants wrote down a topic on Green Software Development on small sticky notes that they wanted to discuss. Be it an area that you can report on or a question that is currently on your mind – there were no limits to the topics and there was no hierarchy between speakers and participants.

Personen sitzen am Tisch und schauen auf Leinwand

The Blue Angel for software

December 13, 2022

The Blue Angel for software as a guide for climate-friendly applications. Are the criteria target-oriented and practicable? Discussion and feedback with the makers

The Blue Angel for software, one of the most famous eco-labels, is currently only available for desktop-only systems. The Blue Angel is currently being further developed so that it can also be used for mobile apps and server-client applications.

In addition to this exchange between research and practice, the focus was also on how and where the Blue Angel operates in a corporate context. Is it relevant for a company to have its software certified?

Kira Obergöker and Max Westing are both research assistants at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld and are directly involved in the further development of the Blue Angel.

Personen am tisch sitzen und schauen auf leinwand

Build greener websites – Climate-conscious websites for a more sustainable web

November 29, 20222

Digitalization promotes social, personal and economic progress. In the context of the climate crisis, it is part of the solution and part of the problem. The Green Software Development Karlsruhe Usergroup focuses on how we as software developers can make digitalization climate-friendly. On 29.11. Hannah Magin and Michael Voit from the Cleaner Web will talk to guests about the possibilities of optimizing a website in the context of CO₂ and climate.

The event is hosted by the Green Software Development Karlsruhe Usergroup. It has set itself the goal of developing and disseminating knowledge about the climate-friendly design of digitalization. To this end, experts are invited to give presentations and take part in discussions every month.

Referenten bei digitalk karlsruhe

#digiTALK: Sustainably digital. Digitally sustainable – Why digitalization is essential for a future worth living and must itself become more sustainable.


Sustainability and digitalization are two of the biggest topics of the modern age – yet they are rarely associated with each other. These two aspects are almost inextricably linked, as the three speakers at #digiTALK repeatedly emphasized. For this reason, it is important to make the world more sustainable through digitalization and to digitalize it more sustainably. How exactly was openly discussed at the digital regulars’ table supported by

Lustiges Foto von Personen mit blumendeko


October 19, 2022

With the #CyberLabFestival22, the Karlsruhe #SmartProductionPark was duly inaugurated with the first major event in the new premises as part of the CyberForum’s 25th anniversary.
The audience, participants and jury were treated to a colorful mix of different event formats, inspiring insights and, as the highlight of the day, the presentation of the annual CyberChampion Award.

#SmartProductionPark opening, Federal Cross of Merit, Prime Minister’s visit, startup pitches, awards, …

October 19, 2022 had it all!
The winning startups of the #CyberChampionAwards :
Mozz for the Sustainability Award by TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH
hydrop water systems for the Sustainability Award by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
arxly for the Digitization Award by GRENKE AG
DishDetective for the Best Interface Design Award by JamitLabs GmbH
FreeD Printing GmbH for the Innovation Award by INIT Group

The prize for Best Startup by BBBank eG and thus the title of CyberChampion went to enabl Technologies. As the jury and audience were in agreement, the startup was also able to take home the Audience Award by Sparkasse Karlsruhe.

The founders of Kolibri Games Janosch Kühn (Sadowski) and Daniel Stammler captivated the audience with an exciting keynote speech about their founding journey. Her 3 tips for all those who still have their journey ahead of them: Perseverance, agility and user focus!

Investor matching, alumni meetings, workshops – before the CyberChampions Award, there was of course also plenty of program.

In his keynote speech, Florian Bernard also reported on what pitching has to do with Aristotle and how ancient principles ensure applause and orders.

Uig-tagung 2022

UIG Conference 2022

September 22, 2022

Digitalization has become an integral part of all areas of life. Many companies have recognized the importance of usability and user experience (UUX) as a decisive competitive advantage for successful digitalization. However, the consistent implementation of human-centric digitalization also means that all people have unrestricted access to digital technologies and that digital technologies also reflect the diversity of our society.

At the UIG Conference 2022, experts from science and practice discussed how digital inclusion can be successfully implemented as an integral part of good usability and a positive user experience. It was of particular interest to network medium-sized companies and UUX service providers.

___ Apply

Support for your event

Call for Events

  • Are you planning an event about digital innovations or the opportunities and challenges of digitalization? Are you from Karlsruhe and / or is your event taking place in Karlsruhe? Are you a startup, company, association, university, scientific, cultural or administrative institution? Then apply!

    This is how we support you.

    • With postings and articles about the event via our channels (social media, blog, newsletter, etc.)
    • With our network for questions about venues, speakers & co

    Register now with your events for 2023!

    • Events with an innovation focus: format and / or content
    • Digital topic focus
    • the event takes place in Karlsruheor your institution is from Karlsruhe
    • Open format (all interested parties are admitted, registration may be subject to a fee)
    • Target group(s): (Potential) professionals, students / pupils / trainees, citizens
    • Event management is handled by you as the organizer (rooms, website, registration, etc.)– we are happy to provide additional support if you are still looking for a room, for example
    • Branding of your communication media with the lettering “supported by”
    • Naming karlsruhe.digitals in the area of (media) partners
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