City festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung” 2022

___ About the event

Review of the city festival
“Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung” on 01 July 2022


Around 80 partners from science, business, administration and culture made digitization in Karlsruhe visible and tangible for everyone on 1 July 2022 with over 280 program items!

We want to bring all facets of digitalization to life in a city festival of digital ideas and solutions. On which digital topics are Karlsruhe universities and research institutions actively researching? What constitutes digital art? How digital are the administration and cultural institutions? What ideas are Karlsruhe start-ups and companies pursuing? And how can you experiment within NGOs with digital tools or get involved in those organisations?

Joint opening

The city festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung” started at 2 p.m. with a central opening event in the town hall at Marktplatz with a welcoming address by Stefan Krebs, the state government’s representative for information technology and CIO and CDO of the state of Baden-Württemberg, and a talk format on the digital location from the perspectives of science, business and administration with the three chairmen of the initiative.

Decentralized program

From 3 p.m., around 80 partners of the citiy festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung” presented their digitalization highlights at various hotspots throughout the city. Whether lectures for interested professionals, hands-on workshops for citizens, a summer party for employees and their families and friends – each partner designed its own program. The unique ecosystem of the digital location Karlsruhe was made visible and tangible in over 280 events.

Joint closing

After an exciting day spent exploring the city and visiting the exhibitions, which were open until 11pm, visitors and partners enjoyed the end of the night at the ZKM. Refreshing drinks and inspiring discussions will complete the new impressions. Dancing to the beats of AI researcher and musician MODISCH was a great opportunity to enjoy the perfect combination of art and digitalization. Visitors and guests once again benefited from free admission to all events.

___ Sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors

L-bank logo
Stadtwerke logo
Sparkasse karlsruhe logo
Telemaxx logo
___ Patron and mobility partner

Patron and mobility partner

Ministerium des inneren, für digitalisierung und kommunen logo von baden-württemberg
kvv logo
kvv nextbike logo
___ Partner

#DigitalNightKA – Our partners 2022

aimino logo
aramido logo
askui logo
attempto logo
bee 360 logo
bluehands logo
Cas software logo logo
chrono24 logo
Deutsche rentenversicherung baden-württemberg logo
d&s logo
dhbw karlsruhe logo
difucon logo
dm tech logo
enabl logo
smart east karlsruhe logo
enscape logo
filmboard karlsruhe e.v. logo
FOM logo
Fzi logo
Garoma logo
goodspaces logo
heyvie logo
Hochschule für musik karlsruhe logo
Hochschule karlsruhe - university of applied sciences logo
hoepfner stiftung logo
Hqs Logo
info kom it-service logo
It-economics logo
It security lub logo
kamaro engineering e.v. logo
heat it logo
kenbun logo
hoc house of competence logo
Kit logo
zsb zentrale studienberatung logo
karlsruhe tourismus logo
L-bank logo
Lmz landesmedienzentrum baden-württemberg logo
Lessing gymnasium karlsruhe logo
medicalvalues logo
Meondi logo
Messe karlsruhe logo
mu-zero-HYPERLOOP-e.V. logo
Badisches landesmuseum logo
objektkultur software gmbh logo
Ok-lab karlsruhe logo
ph karlsruhe logo
pava logo
Gesellschaft für informatik logo
respeak logo
Seeburger business integration
Sparkasse karlsruhe logo
Sovendus logo
Telemaxx logo
Thing logo
Vector logo
Vitas logo
Wetog logo
Wibu systems logo
Zkm karlsruhe logo
Zesavi logo
___ More info

Good to know
the city festival “Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung”

  • All visitors were able to use the Karlsruhe public transport system (Wabe 100, Karlsruhe city area) free of charge on 1 July.

    The ribbons were available from June 27 at the following distribution points: ZKM | Center for Art and Media, City Hall, RaumFabrik Durlach, CyberForum.

  • KVV.nextbike is the public bike rental system of the Karlsruhe Transport Association (KVV) and the European market leader in bike sharing. Bicycles could be borrowed free of charge during the city festival.

___ Review

Review of the Colourful
Nights of Digitization